Sara Sloan - Sick As Your Secrets

Weekly Music


Sara Sloan's

track "Sick As Your Secrets" is a captivating departure from my typical repertoire, yet I'm excited to branch out and share the brilliance of this song with you. The track opens with a distinctive guitar riff reminiscent of the juice-write era, instantly drawing listeners in. Soon, the rhythm section kicks in, with drums and bass grounding the track in its indie alt-rock roots. As the music unfolds, it transports me back to my days as a full-time drummer, evoking memories of the raw energy and passion that defined that era of music.

What strikes me most about "Sick As Your Secrets" is its seamless fusion of pop and rock elements. Sara Sloan effortlessly navigates between the two genres, crafting a sound that feels both classic and contemporary. It's a refreshing departure from the mainstream pop and rap/hip-hop dominating today's music landscape. Sara's vocal performance is equally impressive, commanding attention from the very first note. She has a very unique and natural vocal tone. Her delivery also plays a huge role in making her performance sound so good.

In the song's first half, her voice takes center stage, stripped of any unnecessary embellishments. It's a testament to her talent and authenticity as an artist. As the song progresses, layers of harmonies are introduced, adding depth and texture to the overall sound. By the time we reach the crescendo ending, the energy is massive, driving home the emotional intensity of the track. What sets "Sick As Your Secrets" apart is its masterful construction. The build-up throughout the song is reminiscent of traditional rock anthems.

Sara's attention to detail is evident in every aspect of the song, from its arrangement to its production. It's a testament to her skill as a songwriter and musician. In a music landscape dominated by cookie-cutter pop songs, "Sick As Your Secrets" stands out as a breath of fresh air. It's a reminder that there's still room for innovation and creativity in mainstream music. Sara Sloan has managed to capture the essence of both pop and rock, delivering a sound that is both familiar and forward-thinking.

Written by Maxim Bayarsky
