Bad Boy - Pretty City
Pretty City
Pretty City is an underappreciated name that is rising to the top with each release and a name that already carries a quality that interests me. As a music video director and the platform's owner, I'm hoping to revitalize the city's music scene by bringing together creative talents and musicians like Pretty City to the light. I'd like to accomplish it through music videos as well as pushing the music itself and City got that sound that stood out to me right away. Pretty City's sound, for example, embodies this intensity and raw gritty nature that is ideal for the city. Especially the new wave that is on the way. I was fascinated by the cadence and delivery of "Bad Boy" the first time I heard it on someone’s playlist, it was just so different. He exudes confidence and has a rough, strong tone that makes for a really exciting and unique experience. "Bad Boy" is a simple yet memorable beat that serves as the perfect foundation for the gritty vocals and seamless flow. Aimé Irabahaye's visuals bring the track to life. It's interesting how the way it was shot and colored brings out the darker side of the track. It's a great paring and something that is so few and far between. Pretty City has changed over time. His early songs were far more commercial, and he's now discovered his new sound. "Bad Boy" is the best illustration of Pretty City's new sound and the one that jumps out the most, particularly in Toronto. There are so many recycled sounds, and this is not only unique but also refreshing for the city. I'm excited to see what he releases next. Maybe a full-length project would be amazing.
Written by Maxim Bayarsky