Night$hift - Feel Good (Directed by Maxim Bayarsky)
DMTV Presents “Feel Good” by Night$hift (Directed by Maxim Bayarsky). This is Night$hift’s latest track released with a music video directed by Maxim Bayarsky. This is another fantastic record from Night$hift, he takes it to the next level with this one. The radio-ready industry sound of “Feel good” combined with the cinematic visuals come together perfectly. The moment created was fantastic and the story behind the video is very interesting as well.
The video is a continuation of another video titled “In the night”. There Night$hift was kidnapped and tortured. “Feel Good” continues with the kidnappers dropping Night$hift off at an alleyway with his belongings. Night$hift then wakes up and starts to get up and out of the alleyway and begins to feel the effects of the drugs they made him take during the tortures. The video ends with him wandering the city and eventually collapsing in the streets off-camera to continue the story in another project.
Written by Maxim Bayarsky