DON'T PANIC! by Underdawgbuju produced by Geeohhs

Toronto Music Archive


Underdawgbuju’s latest release titled “DON’T PANIC!” produced by Geeohhs is a powerful track in the small hyper pop rage scene in Toronto. There are a lot of people listening to hyper pop and rage type music but there isn’t a community that is built around it. Underdawgbuju in my opinion has been leading in this space. I haven't seen anyone else really tape into it and build a fanbase around it. It has been something that has needed a place and community to be taken to another level. I feel that Buju is an artist that is at the forefront of it and now DMTV will become part of it. “DON’T PANIC!” has that powerful rage beat that rocks your head and mixed with the powerful punch lines and adlibs makes for a vibe. Buju brings different flows throughout his verse and it is taken to another level when he changes his vocal tones and brings in higher-pitched notes and lower pitches with ease. His style is what made his recent project titled “NOBODY CARE’S GO HARDER” where he gave us masterpieces like “REPORTING LIVE”, “BIG BANK”, and a certified classic “KEEP AWAY”. These are just some of the tracks that really brought some attention to his name and after hearing the album I can definitely tell he will be one of the pioneers of the underground hyper pop and rage scene.

Written by Maxim Bayarsky
