Info by Froboii

Toronto Music Archive


Info is one of Froboii older tracks released last year but it still hits different even today. This track embodies the word different and that’s what makes it special. Froboii as a whole brings a different vibe, energy, and style to the table. Definitely a unique and talented individual. He has that raw talent and that effortless flow for music. He has some crazy freestyling abilities and is definitely lyrically inclined. I noticed his freestyling skills live at my underground event and it was something else. He rapped off the dome for a good 10 minutes. He’s a natural, doesn’t mean it’s easy but he makes it look easy. I still feel that Froboii hasn’t really fully tapped into his full potential. Even then his music already stands out from the bunch and it most definitely leaves a mark. “Info” is a deep track, filled with powerful lyrics and lots of emotions. Froboii poured his heart into this tape. He has some creative, unique flows and transitions that I never heard before. The hook is catchy, the flow is different and varies throughout the track. Something I found very enjoyable and refreshing. The instrumentals bring everything together, it’s a simple beat and gives Froboii the room to go off. It all goes hand in hand.

Written by Maxim Bayarsky
