South Of Dakota by TMB

Toronto Music Archive


TMB delivered a fantastic EP titled "Who Is TMB?" This was a complete masterpiece and only a small taste of what TMB has to offer. His sound and evolution are blending better than expected. I admire his ability to create music that spans multiple rap genres. His cadence and vocal mixing are where TMB holds his sauce.  His voice is distinct, which I believe is difficult to find in the general underground scene. Every artist I work with or cover brings something new to the table, but none has as distinct a voice as TMB. His beat selection is where everything truly takes off. For someone who does everything on his phone and doesn't have access to top-tier studios or even a dedicated producer/beat maker. Its incredible how he  accomplished this entirely on his own. His beat selection is among the best in the underground. Even his Lil Baby-inspired tracks sometimes have even better beats than what Lil Baby is rapping on himself. TMB really shines through on Plugnb and Hyperpop, where he uses his voice and cadence to create this custom one of one sound. "South Of Dakota" combines a traditional TMB cadence with a strong Lil Baby-type beat. He's got something going with this sound. He doesn't sound like an ATL rapper, but he makes excellent use of their beats. Where he really shines is in the energy and flow of his delivery. TMB has his own flow to him and I love it. The production on this track is fantastic, and the fact that it was done on band-lab on an iPhone blows my mind. I admire TMB's work ethic and how hard he works to create the best work. His "Who Is TMB" EP is just the start and a little taste of whats to come.

Written by Maxim Bayarsky
