LB Spiffy

Toronto Artist Blog


LB Spiffy is a 19-year-old Toronto artist based in Toronto, Ontario. Spiffy is a very young and talented artists coming straight from Toronto. From the heart of The Toronto’s rap scene, the Jane and Finch area. Spiffy is definitely the most successful artists we have written a blog on thus far, Spiffy has co sighs from artists like Drake and even Beauty superstar Kylie Jenner. Spiffy is definitely not an underground artists but has yet to cross over to the US mainstream. This will probably not be for that much longer since his buzz keeps growing. He is definitely on his way to reaching massive success and large status in the US. He has his rich and defined unique sound with his Toronto background to carry him into stratum in the US. Spiffy’s latest releases “Go Pro” featuring “2KBABY” is a fantastic hit track that is doing great in Toronto and has definitely gathered the attention of some American ears. Spiffy’s sound is very unique and very new for Toronto. I feel that’s what makes him stand out from the crowd, he doesn’t sound like a rapper from Jane and Finch. This is important for any and all artists who want to get to the main stage, having something new to bring to the table will always make you stand out and help gather attention. His catchy melodies and easy delivery gets you in a good mood and into a party vibe. His music is great to vibe out to in a car or at a party/club. This is one easy way of getting your music to be heard and played over and over again. If it’s good for the clubs that track will be remembered and will certainty propel the artist further in their career. With over 140,000 monthly streams as of writing this blog, Spiffy is a big deal here in Toronto and if you never heard of him, now is the time to go and check him out.

Written by Maxim Bayarsky.


LB Spiffy -

“I’m always trying to look for something different, so I love working with videographers where I can do that,” LB said of the Facts collab. “I want people to rewatch it.”

If LB Spiffy looking for new cinematic music videos, he knows where to go. - Maxim Bayarsky

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