Toronto Music Archive


Portion has just released another tune titled "LETTER FROM MIAMI" following his highly anticipated track "EASTSIDE" featuring Toosii. That was a major step and a big look for Portion and the city as a whole. Portion stepped up his game with these releases, and the tracks themselves are of the finest quality as always. His music is full of inspiring energy while still maintaining the melodic, catchy tone that we all know and love. "LETTER FROM MIAMI" begins with a classic beat, and the opening lyrics build anticipation for the beat drop, which opens up to the hook. Portion once again developed another classic and memorable hook that quickly became stuck in my head. You don’t realize how important a hook is until you hear someone who doesn’t have one and you can start to appreciate something as simple as a hook making the music so addictive and memorable. This doesn’t mean Portion doesn’t get very strong and memorable verses, far from that. He keeps the same energy and flows throughout verse-making it blends with the hook, meaning the track doesn’t have one part sounding dramatically better than the other. YOu don’t want to have to skip parts of the songs to get to the hook and Portion has done a great job in keeping the engagement up. He just continues to apply pressure releasing on a consistent basis and delivering literal hit-worthy music. Porion is definitely the biggest Toronto rapper that doesn’t sound like he is from the city and that’s a good thing. Seeing him winning and collaborating with other big names in ATL is something that we should all be looking to do. I’m getting this progressive energy from Portion, I can’t wait for another full-length project. This time with some major a list names to accompany.

Written by Maxim Bayarsky
